關於光纖卡(Fibre Channel HBA)相關操作指令

test on HP-UX 11.11

A: 查詢Fibre Channel HBA的Device
#ioscan -fnCfc
Class     I  H/W Path   Driver S/W State   H/W Type     Description
fc        0  1/0/2/0/0  td   CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP Tachyon XL2 Fibre Channel Mass Storage Adapter
fc        1  1/0/4/0/0  td   CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP Tachyon XL2 Fibre Channel Mass Storage Adapter

B: 查詢 Fibre Channel HBA資訊(WWN, Link Speed等)

光纖有接上San Switch的狀態
#fcmsutil /dev/td0

                           Vendor ID is = 0x00103c
                           Device ID is = 0x001013
                XL2 Chip Revision No is = 2.3
            PCI Sub-system Vendor ID is = 0x00103c
                   PCI Sub-system ID is = 0x00100c
                               Topology = PTTOPT_FABRIC
                             Link Speed = 2Gb

                     Local N_Port_id is = 0x630f13
            N_Port Node World Wide Name = 0x50060b0000211576
            N_Port Port World Wide Name = 0x50060b0000211575
                           Driver state = ONLINE
                       Hardware Path is = 0/6/0/0
                 Number of Assisted IOs = 0
        Number of Active Login Sessions = 0
                   Dino Present on Card = NO
                     Maximum Frame Size = 2048
                         Driver Version = @(#) libtd.a HP Fibre Channel Tachyon TL/TS/XL2 Driver B.11.11.13 (AR0612) /ux/kern/kisu/TL/src/common/wsio/td_glue.c: Sep 15 2006, 18:35:32

光纖沒有接上San Switch的狀態, Driver state 將是AWSITING_LINK_UP, Link Speed與Previous Topology將無法獲得資料
#fcmsutil /dev/td0

                           Vendor ID is = 0x00103c
                           Device ID is = 0x001013
                XL2 Chip Revision No is = 2.3
            PCI Sub-system Vendor ID is = 0x00103c
                   PCI Sub-system ID is = 0x00100c

                      Previous Topology = UNINITIALIZED
                             Link Speed = UNINITIALIZED

                     Local N_Port_id is = 0x630f13
            N_Port Node World Wide Name = 0x50060b0000211576
            N_Port Port World Wide Name = 0x50060b0000211575

                           Driver state = AWAITING_LINK_UP
                       Hardware Path is = 0/6/0/0
                 Number of Assisted IOs = 0
        Number of Active Login Sessions = 0
                   Dino Present on Card = NO
                     Maximum Frame Size = 2048
                         Driver Version = @(#) libtd.a HP Fibre Channel Tachyon TL/TS/XL2 Driver B.11.11.13 (AR0612) /ux/kern/kisu/TL/src/common/wsio/td_glue.c: Sep 15 2006, 18:35:32


C: 查詢Fibre Channel HBA網卡狀況
#fcmsutil /dev/td0 stat

D: 查詢Fibre Channel HBA的型號等資訊
#fcmsutil /dev/td0 vpd

E: 查詢該Fibre Channel HBA卡連結的遠端DEVICE資料,如連到哪台SAN STORAGE
#fcmsutil /dev/td0 get remote all | more
(如果San Switch 上得mapping還沒設,則這個指令會捉不到Device)


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